About hotel — Spa Hotel Purkyně Karlovy Vary

Spa Hotel Purkyne*** is located in the heart of Karlovy Vary, the Mill Colonnade, and the Castle Colonnade Sprudel. It is built on the aragonite, which was created over millions of years deposition of minerals from the hot spring water. All water treatments are with the thermal water. The Spa Hotel Purkyne with homelike environment is located in an attractive precinct of spa centre by the famous collonades Vřídelní, Tržní, Zámecká and mlýnská. The spa hotel Purkyně offers 22 rooms altogether - single rooms. double rooms, suites - with the view of the castle tower and the Mary Magdalena baroque church. The treatment in the spa houose with thermal spring water is provided to our clients after consultation with a doctor.

Terms of stay

Spa hotel Purkyně. Tel: +420 353 222 672. FAX: +420 353 224 638. E-mail: info@spapurkyne.cz. Company: KARLOVAR 2000, s.r.o. IČO: 25245147. File number: C 12328 kept at the Regional Court in Pilsen. Date of registration: 12.05.2000 Karlovy Vary, Tržiště No. 3/26, postal code 360 01.

Check-in 14:00
Check-out 12:00
Booking cancellation

For more information about the rules of cancellation or payment in advance, please read the conditions of the reservation in the detail of the selected tariff.

Hygiene measures

1. Security

- Contactless payments
- Hand disinfection in the accommodation unit and main areas
- Thermometers available for guests
- Personnel regularly tested for covid-19
- We have introduced the obligation to wear a veil indoors for guests and staff
- Regular measurement of staff temperature
- Medical declaration / test or vaccination forms required on arrival

2. Cleaning and disinfection

- Cleaning agents effective against COVID
- Disinfection of the accommodation unit before the arrival of new guests
- Possibility to refuse cleaning of the accommodation unit during the stay
- Regular cleaning and disinfection of plant equipment
- Regular ventilation of all hotel areas

3. Physical distance

- Regulation of the number of guests in the common areas of the restaurant / cafe / sauna / wellness
- Reduced restaurant capacity according to government regulations

Сancellation policy

For more information about the rules of cancellation or payment in advance, please read the conditions of the reservation in the detail of the selected tariff.